Starfield ‘Top of the List’ quest, how to survey a habitable planet explained


Starfield, the highly-anticipated space exploration game, has captivated gamers with its vast, open universe. Among its many intriguing quests, the 'Top of the List' quest stands out as a significant mission that challenges players to survey and assess potentially habitable planets. In this article, we'll delve into the details of this quest, providing a comprehensive guide on how to successfully survey habitable planets in Starfield.

Understanding the 'Top of the List' Quest

The 'Top of the List' quest is a pivotal mission in Starfield that focuses on the critical task of surveying habitable planets. To embark on this quest, players must meet certain prerequisites and understand the quest's significance in the game's narrative and progression. It serves as a central point in the storyline, offering unique challenges and rewards.

Finding a Suitable Planet

Before you can start surveying a habitable planet, you must first find one. Starfield provides players with various tools and methods to identify potentially suitable candidates for survey. Keep an eye on your starship's navigation system and look out for planets with the potential to support human life. These planets will be the ones you should focus on for your survey.

Preparing for Survey

Proper preparation is essential before you can embark on a planet survey. Ensure you have the necessary equipment and resources onboard your starship. This may include surveying equipment, supplies, and fuel. Understanding the mechanics of survey preparations, such as fuel consumption and equipment maintenance, is vital for a successful mission.

The Surveying Process

Surveying a habitable planet in Starfield follows a systematic process:

Orbit the Planet: Begin by entering the planet's orbit, which will allow you to assess its surface.

Collect Data: Use specialized surveying tools to gather essential data about the planet's atmosphere, climate, geology, and any potential life forms.

Monitor Environmental Conditions: Pay close attention to the planet's environmental conditions, including radiation levels and weather patterns.

Record Findings: Document all your findings meticulously, as they will be crucial for the analysis stage.

Analyzing Survey Data

Once you've collected the necessary data, it's time to analyze your findings. Understanding the significance of the data and its impact on the game is crucial. Your survey data will not only impact your progress in the 'Top of the List' quest but also influence your gameplay experience in Starfield. Be prepared to make important decisions based on your analysis.

Rewards and Progression

Completing the 'Top of the List' quest and conducting successful planet surveys in Starfield come with valuable rewards and progression benefits. These rewards can include experience points, in-game currency, new technology blueprints, and advancement in the game's storyline. Your progression in Starfield is closely tied to your ability to excel in the quest and conduct fruitful surveys.

Tips and Strategies

To make your survey missions in Starfield more efficient and rewarding, consider these tips and strategies:

Thorough Preparation: Double-check your equipment and supplies before each survey mission.

Surveying Priority: Focus your efforts on planets with the highest potential for habitability.

Data Management: Keep your data well-organized to ease the analysis process.

Adaptability: Be ready to adapt to unexpected conditions and challenges during the survey.


The 'Top of the List' quest in Starfield offers an exciting and immersive experience in the game's universe. Surveying habitable planets is a pivotal task within this quest, with far-reaching implications for your gameplay. By following this guide and understanding the nuances of planet surveying, you'll be well-prepared to excel in the quest and uncover the mysteries of Starfield's universe

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